Worship in the Home

Hey parents! I’m Abby Barzee and I am the City Kids worship leader. Worship is a staple not only in the capacity of which I serve, but in the home as well. As a worship leader there is always a few songs on repeat around here. Worship is a part of our daily lives. Today I want to express the importance of worship in the home. Worship needs to be a part of our everyday lives, not just for an hour on Sunday. You can cultivate and grow a beautiful worship culture within your church by what you do within your own home.

My children have grown with worship playing in the home, even when they were babies we incorporated worship into their lives. I sang “Jesus Loves Me” over them every night as infants. As they grew we would have worship dance parties, and countless moments where we would worship together as a family. Sometimes all we need to shift our hearts is to blast some worship and sing our hearts out and dance in the kitchen. The kids love that. And guess what…you’ll find that you feel pretty good too!

My husband is a worship leader in our home too. No, he doesn’t get on stage for all to see. But when we are home worshipping, my husband will lead the way in our home and lift his hands and sing. We will blast music outside and sing loudly for all to hear in our backyard. Dads, lead your home in worship, the value you add by showing surrender to our Lord and Savior is invaluable. It’s a gift you can give to your children that shapes their attitude toward worship for the rest of their lives. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Worship music also surrounds and protects your home. It changes the atmosphere. When my children were toddlers and started having night fears, we would play a worship album all night on repeat. The night terrors stopped. To this day when they start to struggle with fear they will ask me to play that worship album and it instantly gives them peace. It surrounds your home in the Word and the Truth, making a protective barrier against Satan and his schemes. When you incorporate worship in your home and sing with your children, it stops the enemy in his tracks! Psalm 8:2 states, “Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.”

Your children singing praises to our God has the power to stop Satan’s attacks in our life! It creates a stronghold, a barrier of protection around your family. As a kids worship leader, I have seen the power your children’s worship can have when they press in. It changes everything!

The final thing I want to speak to on worship is the joy that comes from worshipping in the home. Nehemiah 8:10 says “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” Lets face it sometimes life can be tough and raising kids is also very challenging at times as well. There are situations and circumstances beyond our control that find a way into our homes. But we can take control and give everything to God and invite His presence in with our worship. And when we invite His presence in our home it fills our hearts and our lives with joy and He gives us the strength that we need to overcome every circumstance.

Parents, today I leave you with a challenge. Incorporate worship in your home today. Be a leader in your home and shift how the next generation worships. I get them an hour on Sunday, you get the glorious opportunity to pour in daily. Let’s shift the culture of the next generation and live a life that is filled with awe and worship.